Free Delivery is available for orders over £50/$50 in certain regions. (We hope to add new regions as soon as we can.)
Once your product has shipped, it usually takes 2 to 10 days to arrive anywhere in the world.
Please note if you would like express 1-2 day shipping this is available at an additional cost and is worked out at checkout.
If you have not received your products, feel free to contact us using our contact page.
You can return your product up to 14 days after receiving your order. Please make sure that the products are not worn, washed or damaged.
Apple Watch sold separately
All Buckle and Band straps are hand made and are fully compatible with all Apple Watch models from Series 1 to Series 9, SE and the Apple Watch Ultra.
These straps will not fit a Fitbit or any other brand of smart watch.
Apple Watch Sold separately.
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